Tuesday 14 February 2012

Scary Stories

Isn't it amazing that just after you planned your trip, someone close to you will show up with some story or statistic about where you are going.  Of course, it will paint, in grim terms, a major deterent to travel in that area.  something like ....  there are more deaths by malaria in the area than anywhere else in the continent.  Or the incidents of malaria in the area is 103% of the population.  Does that mean that there are at least 3 vistors for every hundred people in the area?  That may be more of a deterent that malaria, overpoulation of American tourists!  Sorry Americans  ;(

Kidding aside, do those of us who have the privilege of going to other parts of the world, take for granted what we are leaving behind...?  Do we lightly go, in one sense, expecting that we will not be affected or that we may not affect or infect others?  Maybe I should leave some space in my suitcases for more aspirins, band-aids, antibotic creams and (gasp!) sunscreen.

I think I'm getting nervous.  Not sure if it is the excitement of going, the fear of taking on too large a project (for me) or the realization that I will not be with the best girl in the world on this trip.  Not that IS a deterent. I  Love U   KK

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