Saturday 11 February 2012

expanding suitcases

In packing to go on a trip longer than a week, what do you really want to take?  Amazingly, snack foods, although desired, seem to have a lower priority than say undies and socks.  Now some might say socks are a useless item and sandals are the things.  Howevr, I have worked on steel roofs in the sun without good footwear.  If you ever wondered how shoe leather is made, I know! It is just sun baked (or perhaps fried is a better word) sole.

What I always find interesting is after you have chosen your basic wardrobe, someone always makes a strong point for just.. one.. more.. item, a necessity!  Of course, that same person will also be the one to point out that people go into space with less luggage.  Then there are the other items.   I wonder if the school will kick me out if I don't shave at all?  The Yeti returns.  Stuff multiplies.  I stored my goods and clothes in a suitcase when I was gathering up the trip.  Yet despite squashing the clothes and stripping off plastic, I'm already on the way to 3...  and two weeks to go.

1 comment:

  1. lol funny how stuff multiplies eh? don't worry about bringing out my stuff if it doesn't fit. there's always a container coming later. also, don't worry about toiletries (shampoo, razors etc) pretty sure i can keep you supplied :)as mere has been faithfully suppling me.
