Monday 6 February 2012

Gearing Up

Thought I would start to follow myself in what travels the Lord takes me on in a physical sense.  Just less than 2 weeks before packing the bags and heading southeast.  Hope it mostly sunny, ’cause I’m not taking much in wet weather gear,  In fact, that always seems to be the biggest problem on these trips.  What to take, in a sartorial sense.  The main gear, I generally have no problem in working out.  Tools are tools and basically a few can go a long way.  Although, if the funds were there I would definitely  be taking some improved models.   But then again sometimes the basic stuff is better.  It is not so frustrating to have a cheap tool break.  Now and expensive one...  that cause ballistic reactions.
No, its the style of clothes or perhaps more the type as styles are beyond me. (Thanks goodness for the women in the family).  Do I do bwana casual in shorts and gold shirts, or colonial correct in long pants and collared shirts or my usual style (whatever fits and is clean at the time).  Choices are critical because jeans weigh 5 times a pair of shorts and dry a lot slower.  However, less sun burn with long pants.  Then again, perhaps I can raid a mission box and hope some large American male chipped in, or an extra large asian gentleman.
Of course, my other problem is what to take in electronics. I usually hate to carry the laptop because it is one more thing to lose or break.  Not an unusual thing with me.  And of course, earphones which I generally tie in knots.  No e-reader so I have to make do with a book or 5 (long flights and even longer airports).  I wonder what genre I should take.  Perhaps I need to create the top ten series that one can take on long trips.  Actually two, one to keep me awake and the other to put me to sleep.  That one can be a much shorter series.... romance maybe

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