Thursday 19 April 2012

levart - the art of returning

When someone talks about travellig, we automatically think of going somewhere.  We don't often think of what goes out generally has to return.  It seems that after the halfway point of your time away, some part of your brain starts a countdown to the day you leave / return.  The homing call is heard and it seems you must answer.

One way of lessening the call is to try harder to do nothing... a sort of state of inertia.  Many seem to attain this state.  Look at the menber of couch potatoes in North America.  another way it to do the exact opposite.  Immurse yourself so fully into a project that time stands still.  (Shopping does not really  do it for me .... time just feels that it has stopped).  For me a good hands on problem works well.

But, and there is always a but,  eventually you come aburtly out of time warp.  Either the project coms to some conclusion or some spoilsport is tugging om you and telling you that you have to get!

Goodbye pineapples and sun.   Goodbye dust and wierd project.  Hello, all the mundane things that make up a "normal" life

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