Saturday 18 January 2014

Distances and demands

"When I was young, I had just begun...."  A.A. Milne really didn't comprehend, in this future, that phrase would be so be so meaningful.  In the age of Winnie the Pooh's creation, the world barely moved.  Many people never made it 20 miles away from home.   Several world wars and other conflicts created the need for travel.   Travel became faster and "easier".  In today's generation, hopping over to Europe is a day jaunt and deepest Africa or the Amazon can be achieved in not much more.

At one time, having a vehicle hit 100,000 miles was a wonder.  Now some of us do that in three years or less and we are not professional long haul drivers.

As a young adult, I gloried in spending time wheeling along, going anywhere and no where in my sports car.  Distance (and time ) was no problem.  The resilience of youth.  When marries, it was a joy to travel with my loved one, but the trips seemed to take longer.    Then came the kids and time seemed to go backward. Pits stops became marathons and yet, THEY seemed to think that I was holding up the proceedings.  How long is it going to take?????

Now, there is an old person in the car who seems to want to stop and stretch every couple of hours.  And my wife is egging him on!  Now I have to argue with myself as to why it takes so long.  I thought nothing of driving 24 hours straight, grabbing a couple of hours and getting on with life.  Now it seems I drive a couple of hours and nap for 24 before I can think about life.

Perhaps I should get rich and buy that jet.  They come with built in pit stops!  On the other hand, I still like the idea that I can drive where I want and stop when I want.  I get just as stiff on the long flights but I can step out and breath that fresh air.

Road trip anyone????

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