Sunday 4 March 2012

Travelling for fun

Travelling is best enjoyed cold, or after the fact. Travelling, as opposed to being in exotic locales, is not high on the best moments list.  But later, in looking back, there are hours of humour and reminiscing in most travels.  Like trying to explain to security why you are travelling with 3 laptops/notepads not to mention several bags of chips with the air let out.  Then there is the airline check in personnel who have very perplexed looks as to why a ski-bag would be going to Zambia.
Of course, when you are tired, many things are skewed.  What do you say to flight attendants who have decided that they like you, so much that they check you at least every hour to see if you need anything?  The arrival of real shortbread and chocolate along with tea brewed to your specifications does take the edge off the fact that it is the middle of a 13 hour night flight and you have not really slept for 24 hours.  Maybe the fact that the goods are from first / business class energizes you.
There is also the humour of your flying mates.  You have to laugh about the fact that in one row all the passengers are female Twiggies while you seat mate makes your 6 foot 250 pound frame look like the 90 pound weakling needing a fitness centre. Of course you must maintain your seat during takeoff because of balance.  Let’s see, 610 pounds on the right and 160 pounds on the left.  Yep, that appears to be a balanced equation.  Oh well, you must admit some of the airlines math is very good.  Just check ticket and meals prices.
So smile through your lost and sometimes brutalized luggage woes because you may find the humour at a later date.

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